Looks like the "Amateur Socialism Variety Hour" has finally jumped the shark, and viewers,
tired of seeing the same once-fascinating, now repetitive gag over and over, have turned away in boredom and disgust:

President Obama’s speech viewership keeps on slipping. Monday night’s policy address on Libya delivered 25.6 million viewers, continuing the president’s trend of declining ratings for his issue-oriented telecasts.
The speech was down 12% from Obama’s address on Iraq last August (29.2 million), which fell 9% from his speech on the Gulf Coast oil spill in June (32.1 million), which in turn dropped 21% from his Afghanistan speech back in December of 2009 (40.8 million). Alas, contractual agreements forbid cancelling this show before November 2012.
Expect the ratings slide to continue, as more and more folks get turned off by the illogic, irrationality, and plain nastiness of the lead character. He'll retain a loyal base of support, of course, but in the end, it appears quite unlikely that this will propel the show to have it's four year contract renewed...
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