Poor rookie president Barack Obama - his election and inauguration led to a wave of Hope across
the land that things have Changed for the better, as his fans in the media prematurely likened him to a modern-day Abraham Lincoln. Alas, the shine as come off, and Obama has struggled ever since his early strong start on the stimulus package. Making mistake after mistake after mistake, in the economic, international, and domestic arena, his growing pains have become agony for the nation and its citizens, leaving many wondering if he should have been allowed to spend more time in the Senate while a more mature leader took over to lead the nation in a time of crisis.

The media has turned on them like spurned lovers as well; Sanchez is being described (in a roundabout way) as pitiful; while Der Spiegel, the influential German weekly, uses the following phrases as sub-headers in it's story about Obama's recent trip to Asia:
Lost Some Stature
Relatively Unsuccessful
'A Lot Like Jimmy Carter'
And talk about looking like a deer in the headlights..as a "tired" and"forlorn" Obama skipped out on a press conference, his coach - I mean, senior advisor - left the media with the following:
David Axelrod, senior advisor to the president, fielded the journalists' questions in the hallway of the Blue House instead, telling them that the public's expectations had been "too high."
Well folks, that's OK for Mark Sanchez, who never strutted into town claiming to be the reincarnation of the long-haired #12. It is not OK for Barack Obama, who did in fact strut all over the nation, making promises he was quite obviously either unwilling or unprepared to keep.
You can always sit a QB down for a game or two, let him learn, relax, and become Ready. We have no luxury in that regard for the president of the United States. Obama may already be a draft-day bust, but as a nation we have to figure out a way to make him productive for us, or at the very least, stop him from being the guy that snatches defeat from the claws of victory; the guy that winds up costing us every game.
And as any head coach can tell you, that's a tall,tall task...
LMAO! Of course, Sanchez has the better future
Go Pats!
Brady for president!
I think Sanchez needs some time to adapt, but he has all the physical and mental tools to excel at the pro game. Quarterbacks like Manning and Aikman had pretty rough starts and turned out pretty well.
Mark Sanchez is a tough player to get a read on. He has looked like a franchise quarterback in some games, and in others he looks like the worst qb in the league. I think thats normal for rookie qbs, but his roller coaster ride has been extreme.
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