We wrote back in May about Michelle's $540- sneakers that she wore to a charity benefit ("Let them eat Keds!", she sneered) and earlier this month we saw the Divine Miss Michelle custom-ordering Robert Clergerie boots to her exact size/style specifications at a cost of over $1,000 each.
And who doesn't need new shoes for going on an extended Hawaiian vacation, right? Especially when you are staying at an $8.9 million estate for an estimated $4,000- per night.
Kristinn over at Free Republic reports that First Lady Michelle was photographed last night wearing a $635

A woman lucky enough to have a job in this economy and working for the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour would have to work 88 hours (without taxes taken out) to make enough to pay for Michelle Obama's shoes.
Obama has lectured Americans about how they can not expect to live their lives as indulgently as they have in the past. He has lectured businesses about their travel and pay. Yet Obama and his wife live like kings and queens.
And we eat cake, if we can afford the mix. The ultimate limousine liberal married to the ultimate Welfare Queen?
Back to Imelda Marcos, although you may feel free to substitute the name Michelle in there liberally:
Why accumulate so much--2,700 pairs of shoes, 3,000 women--if there is no use for all of them? How much gold is enough? Only a sane person would think to ask....
...were the Marcos shoes... merely grotesque? The Russian word poshlost suggests the transcendent vulgarity at work in the Marcos spectacle. Poshlost is something preposterously overdone but without self-knowledge or irony. It is comic and sad and awful....
The Marcos plundering seems ultimately a cheerless affair, covert though sometimes ostentatious, avaricious though often prodigal...Such venality is not a matter of either Freud or metaphysics. It is just a brutal habit....
Next up: Barack Obama sports ruby rings and a gold-tipped cane with white diamond gloves at next press conference, while telling us we need to turn our thermostats down to 68 degrees this frigid winter....
She and her husband, both ivy league types, surely are smart enough to realize how bad such excesses appear at this time. Therefore, one has to conclude that they just don't care.
Welfare Queen????
First Lady Obama is Ivy League educated...Princeton & Harvard Juris Doctorate. She has never been on Welfare.
Not literally, of course. But mentality-wise? Amassing a wealth of material goods which the recepient did not purchase with their own money per se, but with taxpayer dollars, or monies recieved via government largess is the definition of the "welfare queen", and Michelle fits it to a "T", regardless of where she got her (government-subsidized) education...
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