Sunday, September 09, 2012

Yahoo Blocking Results for "Mitt Romney"?

So I was checking out "trending now" on Yahoo (looking for some link bait for this post), but alas, the top three searches were for mere politicians.  Seeing Romney as #3 on the list, I wanted to see what stories were trending for him, and I got...nothing, just a "loading results" bar. That never seemed to load any results.

Funny, the same thing didn't happen when I clicked on #1, Barack Obama.  Or #2, Deval Patrick.  Or even #4, a "green" story linked to the Pope.  But every time I clicked on Mitt Romney...

I couldn't believe what I (wasn't) seeing.  So I grabbed my iPhone.

Check it out.  I mean...seriously?


DismalDave said...

Loads up right away for me...

Don't know what this means.

The JerseyNut said...

Looks like it was fixed. Could have been a hack. But knowing Yahoo...

Anonymous said...

Video looks legit. WOuld call it a coincidence too, except all these unfortunate "coincidences" seem to all happen in one direction.

Anonymous said...

Works for me - must be a glitch.;_ylt=A0oGdU_VS01QOHwArCtXNyoA?fr2=tr&ei=UTF-8&rp=mitt+romney&fr=ytff-yff35&p=mitt+romney&rc=mitt+romney