Maybe it's these honest sex-ed chats on Arabic TV that warms the hearts of the Obama administration, and leads them to believe the Muslim Brotherhood is just another version of American liberalism. Via Closet Conservative:
Yes, ladies, it is better to do your homework than to masturbate - after all, it better prepares you for a life as a Muslim housewife, one where you will not speak unless spoken to, and will be forbidden to hold any type of valued position within civil society.
Best to laugh at Al-Qaradawi, but only so much - he uses his influence to condone suicide attacks on Israeli civilians, believes homosexuals should be put to death, and that wives should only be "slapped lightly...."
And the Jews? Well...
“Oh Allah, take this oppressive, Jewish Zionist band of people. Oh Allah, do not spare a single one of them,” he said during the Gaza War in January 2009, in remarks translated by the press monitoring organization MEMRI. “Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one.”
In a just world, this guy would be limited to Islamic sex-ed...instead he might just rule Egypt, a modern day

Egyptian girls, get your she-bop on while you still can....
1 comment:
I commend them. Keep your society healthy - mentally, spiritually and physically. They did not have much of a counterculture to dismantle their social order as the west did.
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