James Taranto reveals how far the media is trying to stretch in order for us to believe Princess Caroline is one of us:
Bloomberg columnist Albert R. Hunt makes the case for why Basil Paterson's son should appoint John F. Kennedy's daughter to replace Bill Clinton's wife in the Senate:
[Caroline Kennedy] has all the qualities--intellectual curiosity; a friendly, at times pointed, sense of humor, and a deferential manner (she hails her own cabs)--that are the stuff of a good legislator. '
She hails her own cabs! This is what passes for a common touch these days? Lots of New Yorkers can't even afford cabs and ride the subway instead.
When we read this, our first thought was: We hail our own cabs, too. We deserve that Senate seat.
Victor Davis Hanson doesn't know whether to laugh or cry:
The probable appointment of Caroline Kennedy, the 51-year-old daughter of former President John Kennedy, to fill Secretary-of-State nominee Hillary Clinton’s New York Senate seat is both laughable and yet a parable for our bankrupt times.
Ms. Kennedy apparently spends a great deal of her time divided between her Park Avenue Upper-East-Side Manhattan townhouse and her hereditary estate on Martha’s Vineyard. She has had no real experience with the ordinary lives of New Yorkers
Ms. Kennedy is about as undiverse as one could imagine. She was educated at exclusively private schools among those of her like race and class. Her financial security is due to either inheritance or marriage; there is no evidence of a self-employed stellar legal or business career.
Her only prerequisites for Senator are her pedigree from her father and her purported celebrity mystique passed on from her mother Jackie.
We know in our hearts that Charles Gibson and Katie Couric, who mercilessly grilled pro-life, Christian Sarah Palin with the poor white twang, would pull in their talons—if given the chance to dialogue with Caroline.
In short, appointing Caroline Kennedy to the Senate from New York tells us a lot more about ourselves than it does even her.
Gawker reports on the New York Times' reporting, becuase I don't have the stomach to:
Reasoning that senate candidates have to file an elaborate, 10-part report on their assets, debts and income, and that Kennedy herself oversaw intensive vetting of Barack Obama's running mates, the Times asked Kennedy for "a variety of basic data," including "potential ethical, legal and financial entanglements." Appropriate.
Kennedy refused!
Really, if liberals claimed Sarah Palin was unqualified for the undemanding post of VP, how in the world can Caroline Kennedy be a qualified Senator- one of only two - charged with representing and fighting for the needs of the tens of millions of ordinary people who live in New York State? What has she actually ever had to fight tooth-and-nail for, anyway, in her privileged life?
She's done nothing, folks, absolutely nothing - and that's about all she is qualified to do at this point.
You guys want another celebrity politician? Dying for another Kennedy to set you free? Well, here's one who actually may be qualified for the job:

Kennedy is more than just talk - he knows how to dish it out in the ring. He can talk smack and give it back at the same time. Kennedy has billed himself as the future of sports-entertainment and future of WWE. Those are quite bold statements, but Kennedy's record speaks for itself. The laundry list of former World Champions and future Hall of Famers he has defeated reads like a Who's Who of the elite in WWE. Kane, Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Batista and Shawn Michaels, among others, have all tasted defeat at the hands of Mr. Kennedy. Though he has held the United States Championship and is a former Mr. Money in the Bank winner, Kennedy will not be content until he is a World Champion.
So what fuels Mr. Kennedy's desire? Maybe it is his huge ego; maybe it's greed...
Is he a Democrat? If so...sign him up!
1 comment:
that's priceless!
And I bet the WWE - in its role as a modern-day travelling sideshow, with Vince McMahon as PT Barnum - would love to play along!
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