According to the commenter's at Michelle Obama's Mirror (link above), this is the same dress worn recently by France's first lady ,Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, to much better affect.
Are you wondering, perhaps, why it looks as if Michelle O. has got four boobs? Again, from the comments:
She has on high-waisted mid-thigh length Spanx or other controllers on. The little lemons on the top were squeezed out above the Spanx; the line at the bottom tells where they end. The butt and belly fat were too much for the groaning Spanx to deal with.
Still can't hide her ever-growing gunt, though...is this what a lifetime of elitist living and arugula-eating takes you?
And about that butt...hope this pic doesn't break your monitor:

My god....this is ugly-ugly, as in:
Moe: I've been called ugly, pug ugly, fugly, pug fugly, but never ugly-ugly....
She has no style. Everything she wears looks awful on her. I don't know who picks her clothes, but one wold think that the First Lady of the United States of America could get SOMEONE to tell her how she honestly looks before she leaves her dressing room.
With a huge butt and huge thighs like she has, she cannot wear just any style, and she certainly cannot wear something clingy as in this image.
Right Truth
There is nothing more ugly than hate. So what she has a butt, Oh my gosh, stop the press, Mrs. O has a butt. Everyone is not flat butt like some. Like it or not, who gives a dam.Some people don't like the big butt, some don't like the flat butt. Just like some don't like the flat chest and they spend lots of money to make their chest bigger and bigger. But you guys know it by now, Mrs.O is going to wear what she likes, to hell with what the haters think. Here, here, and I agree with her 100%. From another big butt and dam proud of it too.
I would like to compare the haters to the first Lady, I am sure rs. O would look better than most of them. Some people hate to see a good looking, smart black woman in power.
OK, first things first: I have no issue with a full-sized posterior, as you can see here:
What pisses me off is that we are hammered constantly by the media telling us Michelle is wonderful, smart, beautiful, strong...and I see no evidence of it whatsoever. And while beauty is in the eye of the beholder - always - the only place where there is any consensus that Michelle is a "Vunderwoman" is within the mainstream media and the Party faihtful. She has accomplished very little in her life, and brings nothing to the table, save an elitist's taste for expensive food on someone else's dime.
Not to mention the fact that she's got insecurity issues, if in fact she's ripping off Ms. Sarkozy's wadrobe.
As for Anonymous II, well...where the f*ck were you when Condalezza Rice - a beautiful black woman, who came from real oppresion, who actually accomplished something - Harvard Provost, National Security Advisor, Secretary of State, and concert pianist as a hobby - was being raked, RAKED, over the coals for every move she made, simply becuase she dared to get off the Democratic plantation and think independantly? Where you defending her - a good looking smart woman with real power, likely the second most powerful person in the world 2000-2008 - or part of the mindless herd that viciously abused her?
I guess you just hated to see a good looking, smart black woman in power.
What a horrible photo or woman, i don't know wich, anyhow it's pure bad luck that we have this as a 'first' lady... i want PALIN, a real woman
woops, thank you soooo much for linking to my post.
The "bottom line"...
The powers that be have attempted to makeover this horrid woman in the image of Jackie Kennedy.
No, that is really a reality!
I know, I was there, more than once.
Her original image was too "Corporate Black". The attempt has been to "Jackie" her up and with Barack as well.
Look, these posers are far from the campaign promises they preached. Have you heard of the New Black Panthers? Michelle and Barack are the New Black Posers. Her black ass will get bigger on tax payers money. Imagine the size of the terds comin' outa those ham hocks! Damn! You just know she's down there in the Presidential kitchen at 1:00a.m. just poundin' down the shit with both hands! Baracks goin', "Where's that bitch now, kitchen again... Holy, shit Michelle it's haf-past one, now git yo shit in bed and whip some skull on me! Sept, she waddles up to the bedroom only to fall asleep in Abe Lincolns bed like a drukin' sailer. Fat, ugly, white hating, America disrespectin' bitch...
Michelle would not know poise or grace if they fell on her. She is classless, dresses abhorantly and usually has a scowl on her face. What an embarassment to the USA to have this AMERICA hater. Hey Michelle....respect is earned.
Her body is actually fine. She is tall and muscular. She's a smart woman and probably a good woman, but I don't know her. People want to say she is beautiful because she represents hope. There has never been an African American First Lady and I am happy to see what she has achieved and I wish her success. No, I don't think she is beautiful physically, but very few people are beautiful physically in my eyes. What she has achieved is amazing and her husband is beautiful enough for the both of them.
I don't think Jackie Kennedy was beautiful either. She just carried herself well and dressed her ass off.
Extra wide hips, big gap between these two manly legs, I don't even want to comment on the dragg face, what an ugly woman for the world to see, cant wait 2012....
You get what you see.
I'm Blind. Help
You get what you see.
I'm Blind. Help
She is UGLY. Legs are too long, her face is awful, she dresses inappropriately. She also hates America. Her husband's a lightweight without a clue about governing.
Wow. You want to see ugly- look at the bitterness and bigotry at the root of some of these comments.
I don't agree that Michelle O is really ugly any more than Laura Bush was ugly and she did get called that.
she is however not beautiful and is just ordinary and getting older so the ordinary begins to look more plain and while attractive hollywood types look great in designer gowns and expensive frocks she looks over dressed and uncomfortable like any other middle aged mom would.
of course she sees herself as one of the elite which adds to her troubles
She's a tall, large-boned, muscular woman.
Her facial features are large: the eyes and lips, for example. She chooses make-up which accentuates these features, making them even more noticeable that were she not to wear make-up. As just one example, she wears liners that accentuate her lips and she has her eyebrows drawn at a rakish angle.
Many of the fashions she chooses to wear accentuate her body features. There are times, for instance, she chooses dresses of clingy jersey and wears wide belts that are drawn tight, drawing sharp contrasts between her waist and hips. She often wears short cotton tops that accentuate her hind end. She wears a lot of shoulderless gowns, which draw attention to her shoulders, lots of sleeveless dresses, which draw attention to her biceps.
Now, those are the facts, not meant to be judgements at all. If you find her face and body attractive to being with, then her choice to accentuate her face and body will be met by you with pleasure.
If you find her face and body either neutral or not that attractive, then her choice to accentuate them will met with your displeasure.
Anecdotally, from my perspective only, I have heard from my circle of friends these general judgements: from women, two strong responses--she is very unattractive to she's attractive when she is dressed up in formal wear.
From men, I have heard only that she is unattractive, although many polite men back off before responding. What's probably at work here is that to most men, a muscular and large-framed woman is not their perception of feminine. That doesn't mean they find her ugly, btw, just not their cup of tea.
Their judgements, and mine, and yours, mean nothing.
Third paragraph above: change "to being with" to "to begin with."
Fourth paragraph: change "will met" to "will meet."
Pretty is as pretty does and she is not pretty. She is vindictive, controlling, jealous, spiteful, high maintenance. Looks don't matter. A first lady is beautiful if they carry themselves that way. Michelle is not pretty. Not a political statement... Please... Just observing my thoughts on truth.
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