วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 01, 2549

Israel in a Kafka-esque World...

In light of the raging hatred that is unleashed upon Israel on a daily basis (and why won't those pesky Jews just roll over and die already?), I found this little tidbit buried within a Washington Post story very illuminating:

Israel's interior minister, Roni Bar-On, informed four elected Hamas officials, including one cabinet minister, that a month-long grace period he gave them to leave Jerusalem had expired...

Their attorney called the interior minister's action a form of expulsion that violated international law governing the rights of those living in occupied territory.
"We are planning to appeal to the Israeli supreme court and, if that fails, we will pursue international proceedings," said the attorney, Hassan Jabareen. "

Hmmm....so these four memebers of Hamas, a body that has vowed to destory Israel (and is doing everything in its power to fulfill that dream) are exercising their Israeli-given rights to appeal this expulsion to the Israeli Supreme Court. OK, fine. But...

I wonder - did young Eliyahu Pinchas get an opportunity to beg for his life in a Palestinian Supreme Court before Hamas thugs executed him? Oh, wait, terrorist thugocracies have no such bodies...but what about the thousands of Kurds and Sunnis that were gassed and slaughtered by Saddam Hussein? Surely there must be records of their appeals to the Iraq's highest court and...oh, wait, nothing there either.

Well, I believe that Iran has a Supreme Court, but if you want to try your luck in front of a dozen bearded mullahs with a thirteenth-century mentality, go ahead....last I heard, they were hanging gays by stringing them up from the tops of construction cranes for the crime of being...gay.

How about the right of petitioners in Saudi Arabia? Anyone heard of a High Court in the Kingdom you can appeal to once your arm has been cut off? What about Syria, Egypt? Are factions bent on overthrowing these governments allowed to appeal their sentences in front of a honest Court?

Of course not...yet with the bile spewing forth upon Israel, a democratic country that allows their sworn enemies the same rights as any tried and true citizen, you would think they are on par with the worst totalitarian states - which, of course, is the driving purpose behind all this anti-Semitic propoganda. And speaking of which -

The new UN Human Rights Council voted Friday to make a review of alleged human rights abuses by Israel a permanent feature of every council session.
The resolution, which was sponsored by Islamic countries,
was passed by a vote of 29-12, with five abstentions. It effectively revives a practice of the UN’s dissolved Human Rights Commission, which also reviewed alleged Israeli abuses every time it met.

It never ends.

But I can tell you one thing that might actually end - Israel's restraint and patience, even within their Gaza offensive, with their enemies. Maybe it is time for Israel (and to a certain extent, the United States), to give these faux committees something to complain about.

Expulsion as a "violation of international law", indeed...

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