วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 22, 2549

Nothing "disproportionate" about it

Dawn Eden's Aunt Sarah speaks some common sense that is missing from most of the MSM's discussion of Israel's bombardment of Lebenon:

....Lebanon is entirely responsible for the whole thing. It is so obvious that I don't understand why it should be politically incorrect to say so. If you have seen the missiles that Hezbollah is expending wholesale upon Israel, missiles that they have obtained in the high thousands, and which by the way are stationed all over Lebanon, you will have noticed immediately that they are enormous (besides being very many). In some cases they can only be transported by flatbed truck, one or two at a time. They are entirely obvious. How can they be bussed along Lebanon's roads without the Lebanese government's sufferance? And without the people's knowledge? And both the government and the people knowing all along exactly what they were intended for, to attack a neighbor who is not their enemy, with whom they are not in a belligerent state. Moreover, the missiles were driven over the border from Syria and also were flown in through the Beirut airport. Obviously the border and customs authorities actively collaborated in supplying the Hezbollah with an awesome and exotic arsenal.

God bless Aunt Sarah, writing from Jerusalem...She's right, this is obvious, but in order to make Israel seem like the bad guy, the MSM has to ignore these basic truths. Thanks to Dawn for spreading her aunt's simple wisdom...
