วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 22, 2549

Defining Victory Down...

...as performed by the Associated Press:

Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah acknowledges that Israeli troops can sweep across south Lebanon. But if he and his militants can survive and keep fighting, he will cement his image as the unlikely new hero of Arab nationalism.

....A defeat on the battlefield is unlikely to change that so long as Hezbollah is seen to have put up a good fight. In fact, it could give the 46-year-old, mid-ranking cleric hero status.

Only in the warped world of Arabia (and the AP) can a defeated terrorist who brought death, destruction, and despair to his host nation become a hero.

But did I mention the name of the AP's stringer here? Our breathless journalist is one Hamza Hendawi...wonder how many Lebanese, looking at their ravished nation, would agree with his definition of "hero"?
