วันศุกร์, กรกฎาคม 14, 2549

Least Surprising headline of the day!

France condemns Israel

French President Jacques Chirac said in a television interview: "One can ask oneself whether there isn't a sort of desire to destroy Lebanon.

"I find, honestly, like most Europeans, that the reactions are completely disproportionate."

OK, well, the next time Israel suffers blows from hundreds of rockets on its northern and southern borders, and has its territory violated by enemy incursions resulting in the death and abductions of military personnel and civilians, I guess they need to check with Jacques Chirac (who by his own account represents all Europeans) to determine what a proportional response is.

His remark about "destroying Lebanon" is a gratuitous type of anti-Isreali hatred that I am sure will play well on al-Jazeera tonight; but why do I feel that is the audience that Chirac is performing for anyway? Jacques Chirac, standing tall for the terrorists since 9/12...

Fortunately, Chirac has no standing as a world leader (save maybe to the MSM), and France has little or no power (except its undeserved Security Council seat) to effect any change in the world anyway. Still...what a vile little man, rushing to the bedside of Yassar Arafat while condemning Jews for defending their very lives.

Atlas Shrugged has a nice roundup of who's with us and who is against us...
