วันอังคาร, กันยายน 22, 2558

How To Talk To A #SJW...

This Hasidic Jew knows how.  No apologies for your faith, no explanations for your belief, no editing of God's law.  Just...this:

Incidentally, Donald Trump knows the same thing. And while I do not believe he will be around forever (as in much past January 2016), if this is his legacy...then he will have done this nation a much greater service than most ever might have anticipated....

And who is the aging social justice warrior?  Ladies and gentlemen, meet  Rina Deych.  In her own words:

The human species is in its larval stage of development. We have a lot of evolving to do. I believe there are positive and creative ways to satisfy our bloodlust without hurting anyone. I am a vegan / environmentalist / artist / healer. I satiate my craving for the macabre by dressing up like a vampire/nurse on Halloween....

...and these people claim to be your moral superiors, your social betters, the conscious of a nation.

Give 'em the finger.  Just like our Hassie friend here...

วันจันทร์, มีนาคม 30, 2558

Lena Dunham's Boyfriend - Jack Antonoff - IS....Pajama Boy???

First of all, this is exactly what I would expect Lena Dunham's boyfriend to look like:

Kinda screams out "DOUCHEBAG", no?

But he reminded me of another douchebag, actually....took a moment, then it came to me...

Separated at birth. perhaps?  Jack Antonoff and...Pajama Boy?

Somewhere, all over America, women not named Lena Dunham are shuddering, as the image of 21st century masculinity causes their reproductive organs to autonomously atrophy....