วันศุกร์, ตุลาคม 26, 2561

Caitlyn Jenner: "He has insulted our dignity"

Ahhhh...OK, but you can add this to the "Life Imitates the Simpsons" file:

First, the trans-thingy:

“The leader of our nation has shown no regard for an already marginalized and struggling community,” Jenner writes. “He has ignored our humanity. He has insulted our dignity. He has made trans people into political pawns as he whips up animus against us in an attempt to energize the most right-wing segment of his party.”

Uh huh.  Now, watch Lenny Leonards make the same complaint, whilst wearing a urinal suit, and surrounded by...well, you'll see. Start at 1:25...

Or, if brevity's your thing...

From the episode "They Saved Lisa's Brain!", in and of itself a repudiation of elite snobbery, and human decadence...

Image result for pig rides bart

What a world, what a world...

วันจันทร์, มีนาคม 12, 2561


A ­society solely premised upon a shared belief in individual differentiation will end in a war of all against all...

How did we/how will we get here?

Liberalism has achieved its goal of emptying the public square of the old gods, leaving it a harsh space of contestation among unequals who no longer see any commonality.

Whether that square can be filled again with newly rendered stories of old telling us of a common origin and destination, or whether it must simply be dominated by whoever proves the strongest, is the test of our age.

Strongest. Quite a word. Still wondering why, after Parkland, that nobody questions the ineptitude of the FBI, the Broward County PD, or the school district? That the name of the shooter is barely mentioned, and the only agency in this massacre is given to the gun?

The Left is aware who it is that challenges their strength, their will to dominate. And now that they have their Reichstag fire, they are going all out to press their perceived advantage. They are the New Gods, the New Strength, the New Dominators of our Age.

Alas, this will not end well...