วันอังคาร, กันยายน 22, 2558

How To Talk To A #SJW...

This Hasidic Jew knows how.  No apologies for your faith, no explanations for your belief, no editing of God's law.  Just...this:

Incidentally, Donald Trump knows the same thing. And while I do not believe he will be around forever (as in much past January 2016), if this is his legacy...then he will have done this nation a much greater service than most ever might have anticipated....

And who is the aging social justice warrior?  Ladies and gentlemen, meet  Rina Deych.  In her own words:

The human species is in its larval stage of development. We have a lot of evolving to do. I believe there are positive and creative ways to satisfy our bloodlust without hurting anyone. I am a vegan / environmentalist / artist / healer. I satiate my craving for the macabre by dressing up like a vampire/nurse on Halloween....

...and these people claim to be your moral superiors, your social betters, the conscious of a nation.

Give 'em the finger.  Just like our Hassie friend here...