วันพุธ, กรกฎาคม 05, 2549

The United Nations in Action!

With out-and-out warfare erupting between the Palestinians and Israel, with North Korea firing a plethora of payload-capable rocketry into the Sea of Japan, and with its own internal structure crumbling, how does the United Nations function? Let us see...

China, Russia resist North Korea sanctions
China and Russia resisted an attempt in the U.N. Security Council to impose sanctions against
North Korea for its missile launches Wednesday, saying only diplomacy could halt the isolated regime's nuclear and rocket development programs

Japan, backed by the U.S. and Britain, circulated a resolution that would ban any country from transferring funds, material and technology that could be used in North Korea's missile and weapons of mass destruction programs.
China, the North's closest ally, and Russia, which has been trying to re-establish Soviet-era ties with Pyongyang, countered that they favor a weaker council statement without any threat of sanctions. Both countries hold veto power in the council, making sanctions unlikely.

It seems as if Japan's request is mild, given the fact that there are missles being fired at them; and after all, doesn't diplomacy always require a little bit of arm-twisting? No, China and Russia call for a different type of "diplomacy", one consisting of empty talks while buying the time for North Korea to become their little nuclear-armed puppet state. And since they hold veto power at the UN, we have no choice but to accept the plans laid by these two dictatorships. Exactly what the founders of the UN expected, right? And what say those liberals who can't wait to cede American power to this disfunctional organization? Remember, Hillary's husband gave N-Korea nukes, and turned a blind eye when they broke their agreement...

Meanwhile, a prominent UN envoy dished out the United Nations' daily dose of hateful anti-semitism:

An emergency meeting of the UN's new human rights body on the Gaza crisis has heard condemnation of Israeli policy and its effects on civilians.
Israel was violating in Gaza the "most fundamental norms of humanitarian law and human rights law", UN envoy John Dugard told the special session.

The meeting was called by Muslim states with support from Russia and others.

Mr Dugard, the keynote UN speaker, told the session that Israel's conduct was "morally indefensible".
"Over 1,500 rounds of artillery have been showered on Gaza," he said.
"Sonic booms terrorise the people. Transport has been seriously disrupted by the destruction of roads and bridges. Sanitation is threatened."

Transport has been disrupted! Sanitation is threatened! Well, we can't have that! Someone tell those pesky Jews to just sit down, fold their hands, and allow themselves to be bombed into obliteration without disrupting Palestinian transport!

But don't worry about terrorism, or Iran's nukes, or North Korea's ballistic missles flying every which way...'caused everything is really the fault of those damn dirty Jews, and the UN has their eyes on 'em!:

The new United Nations Human Rights Council has passed a resolution to make a review of alleged human rights abuses by Israel a permanent part of the agenda of future meetings.
The former, discredited U.N. Commission on Human Rights was abolished because nations argued it had become too politicized.

Senior Counsel for B'Nai B'Rith International in Canada David Matas said the U.N. Council was created to avoid the politicization and focus on Israel that existed under the old commission, which also reviewed alleged Israeli abuses every time it met. "In the end, there was a resolution passed condemning Israel. It was the only country-specific resolution," he said.
Matas noted the council did not pass specific resolutions on other countries, such as Sudan. "Simply in terms of numbers, the number of people killed in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza is nowhere near the number of people killed in Sudan. And yet, there is nothing about Sudan, or Iran, or Burma or any other country, where there is glaring human rights problems," he said.

This simply boggles the mind - again, I want to hear from those who feel the United States should never act without the approval of this vile organization. Why should we subserviate our morals to peoples whose belief systems are in a different universe than ours?

And speaking of morals - the most moral thing to do here is to leave the UN, defund it, and appropriate monies to a new organization; a "Council of Democratic Nations" (votes weighted by level of democracy in each member state - Canada getting more than, say, Russia) or something, because what we have is too broken to fix. The United Nations needs to be burned to the ground; with holy water and salt sprinkled upon its remains, and after a prayer and a shamanic dance, it needs to be rebuilt - as something less than a tool for the basest members of the organization, and something more befitting its once-lofty goals...
