วันอาทิตย์, กรกฎาคม 23, 2549

The BBC Slips!

The vile British Broadcasting Service (an apparent subsidary of al-Manar and al-Jazzera) has a confession to make:

The British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) has admitted that many of the victims of Israeli retaliation in Lebanon are terrorists and not innocent civilians. A BBC reporter said he saw Hizbullah terrorists using a private home and added, "It is difficult to quantify who is a terrorist and who is a civilian." Media reports have emphasized that Israeli air strikes have killed more than 350 Lebanese civilians, prompting accusations that the IDF is carrying out "collective punishment" on the country.

Seems that facts won't get into the way of the BBC's inflammatory rhetoric; "UN Appalled by Beriut Devastation" is the banner headline on their home page, but it seems like they are not appalled by the hundreds of rockets that have come crashing into the Israeli suburbs even prior to the "war". Apparently, they never got over the Jenin Syndrome; and of course they breathlessly report the deranged Jan Egeland's observations as fact.

Now if the above story was the banner headline, I might have thought the BBC had learned something; but again, I guess I am raising the bar too high for these semi-enslaved dhimmis...
