วันจันทร์, กรกฎาคม 24, 2549

Hezbollah's War Crimes

I am sickened by UN "humanitarian coordinator" Jan Egeland's claim that Israel has broken some type of "humanitarian law" while defending their citizens from a ceaseless barrage of Hezbollah's missle attacks. Not a bad word the UN seems to be able to find for Hezbollah, who intentionally fires their warheads into strictly civilian locations, packed with ball bearings and shards of metal as seen below to cause maximum pain, suffering, and death to innocents:

Look what this type of ordanance can do if exploded next to an automobile:

What do you think it does to any people who happen to be nearby?
Hezbollah knows exactly what it does...
How about Egeland? Is he ignorant, or does he feel the lives of Jews are worth less than those of terrorists?
