วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 29, 2549

"You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you."

...Trotsky said that, by the way. Roger Simon makes it relevant to yesterday's shooting spree by a Muslim intent on killing innocent Jewish women (such cowards, these Muslims are - bomb civilian areas, blow up nightclubs, shoot little girls - but when a nation like Israel hits 'em back ,they cry like the little b*tches they are):

...But this particular crazy person, a Pakistani, was simply mimicking the actions of his co-religionists, which are seen elsewhere as almost routine political acts. Why not in Seattle?

I have to admit I am beginning to view the whole world as a battlefield, a far cry from my outlook during my more traditionally liberal "give peace a chance" days. So I wince when I see various rightthinking folk putting the squeeze on Israel for a cease fire, because I have no reason to believe that spells anything but disaster. Hezbollah, a collection of vastly better armed and better trained religious psychopaths with the exact same values and attitudes as the Seattle Pakistani, will simply take the opportunity to resupply and attack again. Why wouldn't they? It's what they are sworn to do and what they believe. God told them it's so.

And yet Israel is expected to stand down. After all, they are the superior "developed" nation. The grown-ups. Actually the whole thing is inherently racist on two levels at once. Jews are treated anti-Semitically (differently from other nations) and the Arabs are treated as irresponsible "Wogs", children essentially. These two are incapable of solving their own problems. Only a multi-national force will save the day.

Oh, really? We know the record of such forces....

And the authorities (as well as the media) bury their heads, cowering in fear:

This is militant Islam in action, but we don’t want to think or talk about Islam, so we’ll pretend that the fact he’s a Muslim is irrelevant (“terrorists come in all shapes and sizes” is the official PC postion of government), and if we can’t attach a known group to the shooter we’ll close our eyes to the fact that he might have reason the understand that his religion impelled him to act.

And speaking of cowering in fear, here's a top-level EU functionary describing succinctly what drives his policy decsions - no, it's not right or wrong, or even the best interests of Europe, but:

"The backlash in the Middle East and the backlash in our own countries is worrying," said Pierre Moscovici, a vice president of the European Parliament. "We've got to be very careful with that."

And where is that backlash coming from? Uh huh....keep quivering, Pierre...good dhimmi!!
