วันจันทร์, กรกฎาคม 17, 2549

The BBC sides with Hezbollah, naturally...

Back in August of 2001, a Palestinian suicide bomber murdered 15 people (7 of which were children) and wounded 130 while destroying a Sbarro's Pizzaria in Jerusalem.

The parents of one of the victims, a 15 year old girl named Malka Chana Roth, have a blog entitled This Ongoing War.

They posted last Friday about the BBC's reporting on the outbreak of the Israeli-Lebanese war:

In choosing to present both sides of the frightening events of the past 36 hours, BBC's voice from Beirut happens to be that of Kim Ghattas , a born-in-Lebanon Lebanese who speaks English smoothly and is never identified as partisan or even (in our experience) Lebanese. The BBC's choice of academic expert is a Lebanese man based in Washington DC with a very Lebanese viewpoint. And the message from both (paraphrased by us) is: it's those belligerent Israelis all over again, and until civilized and cultured forces from outside step in, the bloodshed will continue. We're now into the second half-hour of this hour-long bulletin, and while there's not a single word - not one word, not one image - so far about what's being done to Israeli towns all over the Galilee, there is a diplomatic analysis, courtesy of Syria's ambassador to the UN. (Yes, Syria.)

Read it all; the BBC's belligerent anit-Israeli biased is posted upon again here .

Hat tip to Biased BBC
