วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 08, 2549

Ahmadinejad Sets Us Straight!

Jeez, and I always thought the problems within the Arab states was caused by totalitarian regimes that supressed the will of their peoples, combined with nonexistent economic growth and the growing power of a twelfth-century religious doctrine. But no, it has nothing to do with these prevailing conditions at all - you see....:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called on Islamic countries to mobilise against Israel and “remove” the “Zionist regime”.

“The basic problem in the Islamic world is the existence of the Zionist regime, and the Islamic world and the region must mobilise to remove this problem,” the president said in a speech to regional officials....

“Today there is a strong will... to remove the Zionist regime and implement a legal Palestinian regime all over Palestine. The continued survival of this regime (Israel) means nothing but suffering for the region,” Ahmadinejad said. “ The biggest threat today for the region is the existence of the fake Zionist regime,” he added, before going on to attack Israel’s supporters...

Ah, I get it - remove those pesky Jews, and immediately flower petals will drop from the sky, the rivers shall run with gold, the jobless will become employed, the ignorant will gain wisdom, and the unskilled masses will become masters of trade and commerce...

And one wonders why the Arabs are sinking into the sands of despair...there is nothing the West can do to help these people; if they refuse to enlighten themselves (or somehow obtain less psychotic rulers), they will become a dying race, clinging to superstition and lies as all falls apart around them...
