วันพุธ, กรกฎาคม 26, 2549

Ignatius Demands Israel's Surrender!

G-d forbid Israel should be allowed to wipe the filth that is Hezbollah off the face of the earth and free its people from terror. No, No!! David Ignatius in today's Washington Post says Israel must bend so that evil will not break; and endorses a "peace proposal" (AKA a surrender) made by Arab nations:

Hezbollah would agree to withdraw its armed fighters from south Lebanon and accept an international force there that would accompany the Lebanese army. Israel, for its part, would agree to halt its attacks and lift its air and sea blockade. The United States would call for negotiations over the return of a disputed territory known as Shebaa Farms, claimed by Lebanon even though the United Nations ruled in 2000 that it was Syrian.

Who would ensure Hezbollah's withdrawal? The UN or Lebanon, both whom promised it in UN Resolution 425 when Israel agreed to withdraw from Southern Lebanon? And is Ignatius talking about the same "international forces" that allows Hezbollah to use their positions for cover?
And finally, Ignatius clings onto the "disputed Sheeba farms" propoganda; the only ones who claim Sheeba as Lebanese territory is Hezbollah...but hey, Ignatius needs to make some excuses for these poor misunderstood murderers, right? What a soft-hearted liberal sweetheart!

Within 24 hours after a cease-fire, there would be an exchange of prisoners as part of this package: Hezbollah would give up the two Israeli soldiers it captured in the July 12 border raid that started the crisis; Israel would release Lebanese prisoners it holds. The package also includes some minor provisions, including an Israeli agreement to provide maps of land mines placed just north of the Lebanon-Israel border.

So Israel rewards Hezbollah by returning captured terrorists in a likely 500-2 swap; and Israel hands over its defensive maps to Hezbollah. Hey Ignatius! Why not just give them the keys to Jerusalem -after all, they can be trusted to withdraw and disarm on your say-so, right?

What's in it for Israel to accept such a deal, which would allow Hezbollah to survive? The answer is that an attempt to go all the way and destroy the Shiite militia would require a full-scale invasion of Lebanon, and might well misfire in the same way as Israel's 1982 invasion. Better to go for a solid half a loaf -- pushing armed Hezbollah fighters north of the Litani River and bringing in an international force to help the Lebanese army police a buffer zone -- than to risk further setbacks.

So that's it, Israel...you may get hurt - so give in to the terrorists and hope for the best...

Ignatius is a coward and a fool - would he protect his own children from a predator, or defend his wife from physical violence? Based on the advice he gives Israel, Ignatius would do neither - after all, he might get hurt protecting the ones he loves. Better to give in meekly, hand over his wife and children, and hope the animals behave thenselves...
