วันเสาร์, กรกฎาคม 22, 2549

Bush Saves The Enviornment, Salvages the Economy!

From today's Washington Post, Bush saves the planet...

The Bush administration's new program to cut harmful pollutants from utilities through a cap-and-trade system will do nearly as much to clean the nation's air as the Clinton administration's effort to make aging power plants install pollution controls when they modernize or expand, a report by an independent scientific panel has concluded.

...and the economy:

I know this runs against the grain of the fear-mongering we have been hearing from Wall Street and the whiners and complainers in Washington, but several things happened last week that suggest this country is definitely moving in the right direction.

The government reports that tax revenues are significantly higher than anticipated, cutting the budget deficit much more deeply than was forecast. Unemployment has fallen to a low 4.6 percent after 34 consecutive months of continued job growth. The economy was growing at a blistering 5.6 percent rate in the first quarter, and the U.S. Treasury reports that total worker compensation (including wages and benefits) grew by 7.4 after inflation during the current expansion.

Yeah, I know, Bush is a terrorist, a traitor who panders to the rich...so move to Europe, and you can celebrate news like this:

LONDON (AFP) - The economy has grown by 0.8 percent during the second quarter of 2006 compared with the previous three months, official data showed.
The reading marked the fastest quarterly rate of growth since the second quarter of 2004.

And London is the best the EU has to offer...and if I recall, none of these nations met their obligations under the Kyoto treaty .

Europeans posture and sign treaties that they have no intention of fulfilling, while smirking with smug self-satisfaction over another do-nothing solution that allows them to posture as moral superiors.

Americans actually act to solve problems, no matter how difficult, and seem to get it done.

Any questions?
