วันพุธ, กรกฎาคม 19, 2549

Israel's Grief, Israel's Vengence

...you'll never see these pictures in the MSM; they may upset the preconceived notion of exactly who are the victims here:

In Tirat Hacarmel, at the funeral for Rafi Hazan, murdered on Sunday after a rocket attack in Haifa.

In the northern Israeli town of Kiryat Byalik, at the funeral of David Feldman, one of eight Israelis murdered on Sunday after a rocket attack against Haifa.

If there is to be any consolation for these souls, perhaps this photo of what happens when you lie down with dogs...

In Lebanon, the devastated southern Beirut suburbs of Dahyieh Junibiya, run by Hizb'allah.

...destruction delivered courtesy of these young girls, once targeted in a Hezbollah missle salvo:

In Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel, Israeli gunners prepare shells after they become missives from Israeli young women who were previously targeted by 1500 missiles from Syria and Iran, delivered by Lebanon and Hizb'allah.

Israel mourns its dead, then picks itself up and continues to fight evil with every ounce of strength in its collective soul. A model of courage for the West, and a reason for the jihadis and Islamists to tremble in fear.

UPDATE: MSNBC at least takes a stab at reporting from Israel:

...a third rocket. Terror on the homefront. We run another half mile. A quick response can save lives. But for all three bombs, we got there before the ambulances.
One man we saw had no chance. A direct hit.

...At the shelter, one lady is desperate. "Where are you? Where are you?" she cries.
A man says, "She's lost her husband."

The woman calls him.
Everybody hears a phone ring.

It's by the dead body...

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

my friend you are an ill informed oaf. why is defeneding one's nation an at of terror and why has it been perfectly acceptable for israel to kidnap people from across its borders for years and not incur what it now dishes out.