วันอังคาร, กรกฎาคม 25, 2549

Is Israel targeting the U.N.?

Well, Kofi Annan seems to think so:

Israeli air and artillery attack hit a United Nations observation post near the Israel-Lebanon border Tuesday, killing four members of a U.N. peacekeeping force, U.N. officials announced.
The bomb struck a post in Khiyam, near the eastern end of the border with Israel, manned by the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, known as UNIFIL, U.N. spokesperson Marie Okabe said.

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan called on Israel to investigate the "apparently deliberate targeting" of the UNIFIL post by Israeli defense forces.
"I call on the government of Israel to conduct a full investigation into this very disturbing incident and demand that any further attack on U.N. positions and personnel must stop," Annan said in Rome...

"Apparently deliberate", Kofi? Annan also assailed the Jews for the "apparent massacre" at Jenin - of course, no such massacre ever occurred, but that didn't stop 'ol Kofi from pronouncing judgement against the Jews back then, or in the here and now...you owuld think he would have learned his lesson, but that blame-Israel instinct dies real hard...

Two thoughts:
-it has been rumered for some time that Hezbollah terrorists were firing their missles directly adjacent from these UN outposts in order to avoid counterstrikes by employing the UN peacekeepers as human shields. Quite a job those UN folks in Lebanon are doing "keeping the peace"...
-Is there actual collaberation between the UN and Hezbollah? Certainly it has happened
in the past; if Hezbollah is setting up next to UN outposts, shouldn't these peacekeepers vacate? Or are they complicit in these attacks? Certainly they are trying to open the resupply routes for Hezbollah - via Little Green Footballs, we find out:

Yesterday, a UNIFIL engineering contingent from China managed to do some repairs on a key road artery between Tyre and Naqoura, and the road is now usable for traffic.

I'm sure the terrorists are relieved....

And of course, who can forget this picture of a smiling Kofi Annan with the man who is launching hundreds of missles a day into the Israeli civilian population:

So I guess what I am saying is if the UN is rebuilding Hezbollah resupply routes, and allowing themselves to be used as human shields to protect the people who are slaughtering Jews while their leader glad-hands a terrorist kingpin, why is it so shocking they they might be involved in some instances of collateral damage?

There is more to this story here; let's hope someone reports it....

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Alexander Wolfe กล่าวว่า...

That's stupid. I suppose they couldn't possibly be rebuilding roads so the civilians that Israel has ordered out of southern Lebanon could...you know, actually get out of southern Lebanon.

Anyway, thanks for demeaning the death of the four men over there trying to do what they could to see to peace. I'm sure they appreciate that conservatives over here in our country think their deaths were deserved.