วันอาทิตย์, กรกฎาคม 30, 2549

Hezbollah, Qana, and an Insane World...

Instapundit does some linking regarding Hezbollah, and the twisted morality that allows Israel to be vilified while terrorists are lionized (by the media and foriegn politicians, more so than their actual oft-unwilling hosts).
These two are well worthy:

Josh Trevino writes: "In a sane world, we would give thanks for Hezbollah's failure to murder, regret what has happened in Qana, and reaffirm the justice of the Israeli war. But this is not a sane world: in place of right and wrong, too many appear to operate in a universe of strong and weak (or, one suspects, Jew and non-Jew) -- and their sympathy goes to the weak, even if the weak is a shell of a polity married to a genocide-minded Muslim murder-front."

....More here: "The strangest aspect of all this, of course, is that no one doubts that Israel killed the civilians in Qana accidentally while targeting terrorists, whereas, on the other hand, Hezbollah has launched hundreds of rockets into Israel for the sole and express purpose of killing civilians. Yet where is the outrage against Hezbollah? Why is it that Kofi Annan swings into action only to denounce Israel and to promote the course that Hezbollah wants, namely a time-out so that it can rebuild its terrorist infrastructure?"

Yeah, it's almost like he's on Hezbollah's side, or something.

And on another note...seem like the Qana "attack on innocent civilians" propoganda is falling apart like so many little Jenins:

An IDF investigation has found that the building in Qana struck by the Air Force fell around eight hours after being hit by the IDF. ..

....Eshel and the head of the IDF’s Operational Branch, Major General Gadi Eisnkot said the structure was not being attacked when it collapsed, at around 8:00 in the morning. The IDF believes that Hizbullah explosives in the building were behind the explosion that caused the collapse....

Wonder if Hezbollah warned their precious civilians that the building was liable to collapse? Or that it was housing a cache of weaponry? Perhaps Hezbollah knew what was going to happen, and let it happen. If so, a cunning sacrifice of women and children that achieved what no amount of diplomacy could do - obtained Hezbollah a 48 hour ceasefire in order to restock and rebuild.

Hope the international community is proud....

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Caleb กล่าวว่า...

Your source is from an Israeli Defense Report. Human Rights Watch even said that it was an attack by Israel on Qana, UN reports have confirmed this.