วันอังคาร, กรกฎาคม 18, 2549

France calls for War Againt Israel !

We all know that Jacques "disproportionate response" Chirac has been sympathetic to Hezbollah and Hamas from day one, but now we have French Ministers of Parliment calling for direct military action against Israel...the Dissident Frogman reports:

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Jacques Myard, a full blown member of the French Parliament, elected by the people (from the Paris suburb of les Yvelines) to his very own seat at the Assemblée Nationale, publishing on his website a communiqué where he calls for France to undertake military action against Israel.
Under " Guerre au Liban – Israël a-t-il perdu la raison ? " ('War in Lebanon – Has Israel lost her mind ?'), the link "Lire la suite" opens
a popup with the following full text communiqué:

War in Lebanon – Has Israel lost her mind ? July 18th, 2006

Multiple direct testimonials from Lebanon are coming from French people residing in South Lebanon, and particularly Tyr, according to which the Israeli army is shooting at first sight on everything that moves, and notably on civilians.

According to the same testimonials, the Israeli army would be using fragmentation bombs, and "vacuum packed" bombs that result in destruction by implosion. The bodies then look like totally dislocated puppets, like rag dolls.
That we shall let Israel act in such way is inadmissible. The French government must take every measure, including militarily, in accordance with international laws that allow it, to protect her nationals and put an end on these outrageous attacks against civilians.

The Frogman continues:

Mr. Myard is not some loony craving for attention from any of the far fringe of the French political spectrum, in the nascent run-up to the next presidential elections. He is a French member of the Parliament ("Député" at the "Assemblée Nationale") on the UMP list – France's and Chirac's (and his younger clone-in-chief Sarkozy) allegedly right-wing party. Myard is as mainstream as it gets, and as a MP, he additionally writes, proposes and votes French laws.

So the true heart of the Frenchman is opened wide - tears to wash the feet of a dying Arafat, and military force against the Jews for the unseely act of daring to stay alive.

And yet, whom can claim to be surprised?

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LOL The French taking military action? I believe the only military action the French have taken in the past and are capable of taking now is to surrender. So are they thinking of surrendering to Isreal? Somehow I do not think that will help matters in the middle east. But it might get an inept and completely worthless vote out of the UN.