Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama's "Tampon Tax"

...and you thought Obama was going to "pay" for the socialization of medical care simply by letting senior citizens die off? Silly goose! That's only going to cover a portion of the huge cost the Democrats want to take on, so slipped into the Baucus bill was a legislative trick that allows women's most basic needs to become a taxable source of revenue.

We know that one of the main categories of taxation for the heath care bill was "medical devices", which most honest folks figured to be stuff from X-Ray machines to MRI's. Ah, but the government has a much wider definition, if you will...Townhall dissects the bill:

- This section of the bill entitled “Annual Fee on Manufacturers and Importers of Medical Devices” has the following language on what is covered under the taxes on medical devices: “covered domestic sales would include U.S. sales of medical devices regulated by the Food and Drug Administration [FDA] as a medical device [FOOTNOTE 103] and subject to premarketing and post marketing regulatory controls. The term would not include sales attributable to Class I products"

-you can conduct your own search and find out what Class of device a given medical device falls under by going to this search page. If you search “Tampon”, you will see that the FDA characterizes it as a Class II medical device and is therefore covered by the Obama tampon tax. You can also look up the following medical device terms and find out the same thing: like contact lenses and solutions, hearing aides, thermometers, oxygen bottles, wheelchairs, condoms....

Wonder how senior citizens living on limited budgets will feel once they real that the socialized medicine that the AARP is championing will raise the prices on many of the medical items they need most to continue to function fully in society?

But it's the "woman scorned" thing that intrigues me. How irked will female voters get about having the government use their most personal body functions as a way to force them to fork over extra money to fund socialized medicine?

"Hands off my body!" is what the liberal ladies used to shriek when the threat of more restrictive abortion laws was a fear tactic tossed around by the left. Is it now OK for Barack Obama to put his filching hands anywhere he pleases on a woman's body, if it serves the purposes of extorting their money and putting it towards a liberal cause?

Curious to see what reaction this bring out. I'm not even going to guess - any man who claims he has the female gender figured out is a man who doesn't have a clue...


JessicaStDifrent said...

Wow. That is eff'd up on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

Love that definition of "medical devices"! What about band-aids, ace bandages, tweezers, Q-Tips and the such? Jeez, almost anything can fall under "medical devices" - which I guess is the exact point of this tax.

Conservative Libertine said...

I'm too scared to go to that site and see if toilet paper is a class II medical device.

Anonymous said...

This is utterly insane.