วันเสาร์, มกราคม 10, 2552

Richard Gere: Humanitarian !

Richard Gere received the prestigious Joel Siegel Humanitarian honor at the Critics Choice Awards, and the "Pretty Woman" star was certainly eager to express (even more) political opinions backstage.

And what types of views do humanitarians hold these days?

As for his thoughts on our next president and first lady...

"I think Michelle (Obama) is bright and engaged and real," Gere said. "It's astonishing; we actually elected two real people after eight years of aliens."

Mind you, Gere won’t be attending the upcoming inauguration due to a "fear of crowds".

Does our "humanitarian" have any sense of awareness of what Bush has done for the people of Africa, and how well he is perceived there? No, Gere the "humanitarian" disgrees with some of the views Mr. Bush (and apparently his wife) hold; therefore, they are "aliens" to him, and not fellow humans.

Wonder if by defining them thusly Gere can now be abusive towards the Bushes -they're not human, by his definition - and still hold onto his "humanitarian" title?

See, you start by giving Yasser Arafat the Nobel Prize, then suddenly every award, even the Joel Siegel Humanitarian Honor, starts getting defined down...

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Looks a little rat-like, to boot.