วันพุธ, มกราคม 28, 2552

Obama=Carter; Iran Demands an "Apology"

Somebody please smack this neophyte Barack Obama upside the head and tell him: "Bush was right!":

Iran said on Wednesday it would welcome President Barack Obama's offer of a change in U.S. policy provided it involved a withdrawal of U.S. troops from abroad and an apology for past "crimes" against Tehran.

"When they say policy would change, it means they would end America's military presence around the world," he said, referring to U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world.

Those who say they want to make change, this is the change they should make: they should apologize to the Iranian nation and try to make up for their dark background and the crimes they have committed against the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said.

Crazy Ahmadinjed knows exactly who he's dealing with here. After all, as part of the hostage taking group that imprisoned 52 Americans for 444 days back in the dark days of the Jimmy Carter administration, he played the Democratic president like a fiddle:

Carter would latch on to a deal proffered by a top Iranian official and grant minor but humiliating concessions, only to have it scotched at the last minute by Khomeini....

Will Obama suffer the same fate? He's setting himself - and America - up for it, like the straight man in a vaudville production...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Always America First กล่าวว่า...

Obama is never the straight man this arrogant SOB wants the lead role even if he has no idea how to handle it.