วันจันทร์, มกราคม 05, 2552

The Gaza Conflict: A Few Quick Truths

Ralph Peters' column is a bit of a tough read, only because the truths he points out are so ugly, they are almost painful to see on paper.

If it finds its back against the wall, Hamas may pretend to accept a truce to save itself, but it will never accept real peace with Israel. Hamas exists to kill Jews. Peace would erase its purpose...

But I think most of the world knows this. And that is why they support Hamas in this battle, in the hope they will eliminate the "Jewish problem" in the Middle East. No surprise to see French President Sarkozy leading the charge to save Hamas, either.

There's going to be ugly fighting ahead, as the terrorists set layers of ambushes while using Palestinian civilians as human shields...And let's be absolutely clear: Except for dead Jews, there's nothing Hamas leaders like better than dead Palestinian women and children, since the global media's appetite for dead kids verges on necrophilia.

Nasty vision, but this is the way it will go down. Hamas will hide behind innocents, a few of them will get shot up, and Hamas will parade their bodies before the international media, who will jostle and shove for close-ups, and then accuse Israel of acts of barbarism. And it makes sense, in a sick kind of way - why would the media turn on their bread-and-butter (Hamas), who provides them with such good phto-ops, and allows them to write from a predictated storyline?

Read it all - Peters provides an excellent military analysis as he explores the strengths and weaknesses of the Israeli strategy, and he has plenty of other double-downer commentary, in case you should feel momentarily optomistic about the state of the world in which we live....
