วันเสาร์, มกราคม 17, 2552

Joe Biden: Blithering Idiot

Let us join hands and pray, pray for the health and well-being of Barack Hussein Obama, because the current alternative is way, way.....stupider.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating,” Mr. Biden said in an interview Wednesday. “The Bush-Cheney relationship hasn’t tasted very good. Not a single person you can name for me” — at this point, he leaned forward in his chair, jabbed his finger in the air and punctuated his words sharply. “Look at me, now — a single one can tell you that the pudding has tasted good.

Ooooookaaaaay...Whatever you say there, Crazy Joe!

More babblings from Delaware's Finest:

He said he would bring more to the job than any of his predecessors, except possibly Lyndon B. Johnson. "I know as much or more than Cheney," Mr. Biden said. "I'm the most experienced vice president since anybody."

Does he sound like Fredo Corleone to you?

I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!

Ladies and gentlemen, our Vice President...Fredo "Crazy Joe" Biden!

I like it!

UPDATE: Irrelevent but fascinating info on John Cazale/Fredo Corleone here
