วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 01, 2552

"Nothing Changes, On New Year's Day...."

Alas, Bono was right. 2009 begins as hunting season on the Jews:

Danish police on Thursday arrested a 27-year-old man of Palestinian origin on suspicion of shooting and wounding two Israeli citizens at a shopping mall in central Denmark and charged him with attempted murder.

A gunman on Wednesday fired several shots at two Israeli youths who worked at a hair salon in the Odense shopping mall, wounding one in the leg and the other in the arm.

Maybe as a "proportionate response", Jews should go around shooting Muslims in their places of employment? We'd just be following Sarkozy's lead, right?

We already know that San Francisco is Gaza West, but it's good to remind people how viciously anti-Semitic the city is:

The San Francisco Holocaust Memorial was vandalized yesterday for the third time in recent months. Vandals spray painted in red, "Israel there is blood on your hands," on the memorial...the vandal also spray painted red on the hands of the figures...

Imagine the outcry - and the outpouring of liberal agnst on op-ed pages nationwide - if this act of vandalism was performed on an American mosque...!

The AP gets in on the Jew-bashing with a "news" story blaming Israel for increasing the misery of the residents of Gaza by having the nerve to destroy the smuggling tunnels:

The Gaza Strip has lost its last lifeline after five days of Israeli bombing raids that destroyed dozens of smuggling tunnels under the sandy border with Egypt.

The passages did not just supply Hamas with arms, but brought in flour, fuel and baby milk. For Gazans, already used to blackouts and shortages from an 18-month border blockade, the daily hunt for basics is ever more desperate — though there are no reports of outright hunger....

But demolishing the tunnels has deepened civilian suffering...

This 21-paragraph article only uses the word "arms" twice, and makes no reference to the fact that the majority of the weapons used by Hamas against Israeli civilians flows though these tunnels. No, instead we are told that Israel should not have destroyed the tunnels that provide the weapons used to kill their people because it has "deepened the suffering" of those who are trying to kill them.

And note the AP can't even make their own case; they admit there are no reports of "outright hunger". Even further into the story we read:

Despite the shortages, some people said they are eating more than usual — because they're pinned down at home and gripped with anxiety from the sounds of bombs exploding around them. "I'm eating like a savage," Dahshan said.

Bader Tulbeh, 46, described his eight children as "locusts" with newly enlarged appetites. "They are an army," Tulbeh said while purchasing vegetables from a vendor in central Gaza City.

Poor babaies. Imagine how well they would eat if they only would just stop trying to kill their neighbors. But that is too much to ask the Palestinians, apparently, so we must ask the Jews to lay down and die, instead.

Nothing changes....
