วันศุกร์, มกราคม 09, 2552

"The Jews Have Gone Crazy !"

I'll get to that in a minute...

Remember in the days and weeks after 9/11, how all we heard from the media and the talking heads was "it's not if it will happen again, but when"?

Then George W. Bush showed up, and went batshit-nuts in Afghanistan and Iraq, refusing to pull back even when we suffered (gasp!) military casualities and occasional battlefield losses!

And all of a sudden....no more attacks on American soil. No more attacks on American interests overseas - this, after eight years of bi-annual slaughters carried out by the Islamists. True, we lost many good soldiers, but at least they were armed and had a chance to fight back...and boy, did they ever.

So more recently we were told that Israel lost the 2006 war in Lebanon against Hezbollah, thus proving that war is never the answer. And yet...the Northern Israeli border has been awful quiet the last 2 1/2 years. Even now, when one would suspect that Hezbollah would want to support their murderous cousins in the South....nothing. Sure, a few rockets were fired into a retiree home last week (where's the outrage?), but Hezbollah couldn't wait to disassociate itself from that.

So why is the Israeli foray into Hamas looking more and more like a success? Because the vaunted Arab street is doing a big-time freakout...via Powerline:

Israel may have reached a deterrent moment in its war in Gaza against Iranian-backed Hamas. I spoke with a senior Arab diplomat last night. He told me that the Arab street is afraid that "the Jews have gone crazy."

Yes, it's true. He noted, "Israel has begun to restore its deterrence" in the Arab world. "Hamas miscalculated," he added. They had thought Israel would not attack, but would merely accede to tougher Hamas demands for an improved "Tahdiya," their version of a temporary calm.

It's also notable that Al Jazeera's reportage yesterday avoided interviewing ordinary Gazans. Arab sources in Gaza confided that the public anger is not directed at Israel any more than it is at Hamas.

Fatah officials in the West Bank are also demoralized. Nasser Juma'a, a Palestinian Legislative Council Member from Nablus told a well known British reporter yesterday that the "Hamas are insects" and noted that the Palestinians would likely not see a Palestinian state in his lifetime."

Hopefully, the UN, EU, and Barack Obama will stay the f*ck out of Israel's way, and let them finish the dirty job of wiping the most henious bunch of anti-Semetic fascists off the face of the earth. Let the Jews go crazy now, for in the long run, many more civilians - in both Gaza, Lebenon, and Israel - will live longer lives, and live them in peace....
