วันอาทิตย์, มกราคม 04, 2552

Most Inane Political Statement on the Israel/Gaza War

...goes to British Foreign Minister David Miliband, releasing the following statement after the Czech presidency of the European Union said the influx of Israeli ground troops in Gaza was "defensive, not offensive."

God forbid a statement of moral certainty go unanswered. Miliband is up to the challenge, with a textbook prototype in EU-speak:

"Unfolding events show the urgent need for the immediate cease-fire that we have called for. The escalation of the conflict will cause alarm and dismay," he said in a statement.

What "unfolding events" ? An Israeli victory? Why is using ground troops an escalation, when it will likely cost more Israeli lives than scattershot bombing would?

And "cause alarm and dismay"? WTF?? With who? Hamas, who sees their defeat at hand? Hezbollah, who sees their future? Iran and Syria, who sees their patrons getting a well-deserved ass-kicking? Or with the Palestinian "civilians", whose lives are so much more precious than those of the Jews? Well, they might feel a lot of things, but "alarm" is not one of them at this point...

And they call us the simpletons...!
