วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 08, 2552

Best Blog Post Ever...

...is this one, from April of 2004, over at BlackFive, entitled Taking Chance Home. I've kept it bookmarked since the first day I read it, all those years ago, and still read it a few times a year when, you know, I have something in my eye that needs to be washed out.

If you aren't familiar with it, please read it. It is a tale of death and redemption, and of the pure and unadulterated goodness of America. Of course, a tale that would never be told by the mainstream media.

Except now, kind of. HBO has taken BlackFive's post and made it into a movie entitled "Taking Chance". Starring Kevin Bacon, it airs February 21st at 8pm. Here's the trailer:

Seems like they've included some of the smaller details of the story which made it all the more personal, painful, and real.

Let's hope HBO did it justice. It was warmly recieved at Sundance (which, granted, may not always be an endorsement), and reviewed thusly by Sundance programer Geoffrey Gilmore :

Taking Chance is, without question, one of the most powerful and vital films ever made about Iraq—or, for that matter, the military—and yet its potency comes not from melodramatic or political statements but simply from its reality and execution.

See what can happen when you try to show the military in an honest light? Good for HBO...
