วันศุกร์, มกราคม 09, 2552

Reported As Fact....

Isn't it interesting that every Palestinian civilian death count is treated as fact by the media, despite years of lying by so-called Palestinian "medics" on this very issue (remember the blood libel of Jenin? Hamas does...). The AP provides a nice case in point:

One Israeli airstrike killed two Hamas militants and another unidentified man, while another flattened a five-story building in northern Gaza, killing at least seven people, including an infant, Hamas security officials said. By midday, 19 Palestinians had been killed.

In all, Israeli aircraft struck more than 30 targets before dawn, and constant explosions continued after first light. Friday's deaths in Gaza pushed the Palestinian death toll to more than 760 in the two-week-old conflict, with at least half of them civilians, according to Gaza health officials.

And of course the UN - the international body most responsibel for legitimizing anti-Semitism (can you image? Hitler could only have dreamed of a world like this!) - is never questioned on their body counts either, despite being fully in bed with Hamas:

Details are emerging of other incidents in which civilians were killed. A U.N. agency said Israeli troops evacuated Palestinian civilians to a house in Gaza City on Jan. 4, then shelled the building 24 hours later, killing 30 people.
The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs report was based on eyewitness testimony. It added details to an incident previously reported by The Associated Press and an Israeli human rights group.

The U.N. agency said 110 people were in the house. The 30 people reported killed is a far higher figure than in other accounts.

It seems as if even the AP is a little skeptical of the UN here; perhaps they should expand their doubt to their legion of Palestinian medics.

And perhaps CNN should be a bit more wary of spreading Palestinian propaganda so openly. After highlighting a story/video that showed a Palestinian "paramedic" desperately trying to revive a dead child, they abruptly pulled the video when it was pointed out that they were being scammed:

I’m no military expert, but I am a doctor, and this video is bullsh-t. The chest compressions that were being performed at the beginning of this video were absolutely, positively fake. The large man in the white coat was NOT performing CPR on that child.

But they didn't pull the story. Just left the anti-semetic libel up on the site, and pulled the evidence that it was false. Gotta prop up Hamas somehow, you know?

Somewhere, Hitler dances a jig....
