วันเสาร์, มกราคม 03, 2552

"Especially Nauseating"

That's how Victor Davis Hanson describes the reaction and coverage of the Arab-Israeli war du jour:

There is something especially nauseating about the latest Middle East war — scenes of worldwide Islamic protests with photos of Jews as apes, protesters (in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida of all places!) screaming about nuking Israel and putting Jews in ovens, parades of children dressed up with suicide vests and fake rockets, near constant anti-Semitic vicious sloganeering, Gaza mosques stuffed with rockets to be used against civilians — all to be collated with creepy Hamas rhetoric about the annihilation of Israel. This is the world in which we now live.

Almost no other issue in recent memory has illustrated the moral bankruptcy of much of the international community...

And the moral bankruptcy of the media - via Powerline we get a photo and a caption:

"Israeli right-wing activists take part in a demonstration in Tel Aviv supporting Israel's military operation in Gaza."

Think of the morality behind that caption - Israelis, begging Hamas to stop using human shields are simply right-wing nuts, and protestors demanding the destruction of Israel are...protestors. Powerline has a list,click the link if you have the stomach for it....

And for more "especially nauseating" tidbits, check out some of the anti-Semetic attacks taking place right here in the United States.

Remember, these "protestors", as Reuters would call them, don't hate Jews - including the Hamas supporters in Florida who chanted "back to the ovens!" at Jewish counter-protestors - they're just anti-Zionist, that's all.

Riiiiight...nauseating, indeed.
