วันเสาร์, มกราคม 31, 2552

Obama's Iranian Failure

Obama goes on Arabic TV, in the hopes that groveling before America's enemies will cause them to have pity upon us.

He's failed, and this will only be the first of many, many foreign policy disaters that will imperil the United States:

US President Barack Obama's offer to talk to Iran shows that America's policy of "domination" has failed, the government spokesman said on Saturday.

"This request means Western ideology has become passive, that capitalist thought and the system of domination have failed," Gholam Hossein Elham was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency.
"Negotiation is secondary, the main issue is that there is no way but for (the United States) to change," he added.

After nearly three decades of severed ties, Obama said shortly after taking office this month that he is willing to extend a diplomatic hand to Tehran if the Islamic republic is ready to "unclench its fist".
In response, Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad launched a fresh tirade against the United States, demanding an apology for its "crimes" against Iran and saying he expected "deep and fundamental" change from Obama.

And the Iranians know how to back up their words with action:

Cypriot authorities have detained a vessel from Iran and are investigating whether it was carrying an illegal cargo of weapons, diplomatic sources said yesterday.

It was unclear where the ship was destined. Israel's Haaretz newspaper said it was loaded with weapons and heading to Syria when it was intercepted.

The Cyprus-flagged ship was suspected of carrying weapons destined for Hezbollah or for Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Haaretz quoted Israeli sources as saying. Cypriot media said the vessel was thought to be carrying gunpowder.

Cypriot President Demetris Christofias confirmed the authorities had detained a ship. He said the cargo appeared to be "in contravention of [UN] Security Council resolutions" but declined to give further details.

Weapons to kill more Jews, Jews who will be villified when they dare to fight back. If there really is sucha a thing as a "cycle of violence", Iran is the hand that continually spins the wheel. George Bush knew that a gun held to their heads was his only chance, Obama is trying a "pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top" approach.

Well, that worked out well. Now what, Baracky?
