วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 29, 2552

The More That Things "Change"...

...Obama gets ugly, quickly, and the media cheers him on:

After a failed "charm offensive," US President Barack Obama and his allies unleashed a hard-hitting campaign Thursday to break defiant Republicans' thus-far united opposition to his economic stimulus plan.

The strategy called for millions of labor union members to telephone Republicans from hard-hit states, coupled with an aggressive television advertising campaign targeting potentially vulnerable Republican senators.

The ad featured Obama's warnings about the economic crisis he inherited from George W. Bush and invited viewers in Maine, New Hampshire, Alaska, and Iowa to tell their senators "support the Obama plan for jobs not the failed policies of the past," according to the script.

And the White House did not deny a report by
Politico.com that it planned a state-by-state effort, highlighting job losses, to pressure lawmakers on the stimulus plan.

The aggressive tactics came after Obama's week-long charm offensive failed to win over even a single Republican when the House of Representatives voted 244-188 to pass the 819-billion-dollar measure...

Some thoughts:

-I like the line "...he inherited from George W. Bush". Just to make sure nobody had any doubts!

-why is the media (or the Obama White House, they are indistinguishable) using the language of war?
"Offensive", "allies", "campaign", "defiant" ? What happened to our era of national reconcilliation? Or is it only terrorist states we need to suck up to, while we mow down our fellow Americans?

-again, the phrase "Obama Plan" freaks me out a bit. Actually, lots of things about Obama freak me out. These guys read Ayn Rand, and are hell-bent on proving her bad guys were actually right. We'll see. Remember, Rand's liberals destroyed America in Atlas Shrugged . See here for more.

Finally - Obama has the wind at his back right now, as he should. But like all sailors, he should remember how quickly that wind can die down, and turn against him. See how far the ship of state sails in those waters...
