วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 15, 2552

The Jews May Be Descended From....

...apes and pigs, as the enlightened Muslim community seems to tell us ad naseum, but if so, then the Big Gorilla in the sky must really like them a lot. The track record of past civilizations peoples, and so-called empires who have tried to wipe out the Jews is rather grim:

I think listing Hamas as "in-process" is a bit too narrow - I have the feeling that when their filthy hides are wiped off the planet - which is not soon enough - Hezbollah and the Iranian Mullahocracy will likely follow in short order....

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Erica กล่าวว่า...

Awesome! I think I need to steal this and maybe put it up in my sidebar. Love it!