วันอาทิตย์, มกราคม 18, 2552

Hitler Dances a Jig...

Shoot, I've been saying for a while that Europe is partying like it's 1941 all over again. May I quote myself for a moment?

Europe, secretly ashamed not of the Holocaust nor of their role in it, but of their inability to finish the job, have outsourced it to the Muslims, and like cowardly poussaint nobility, cheer on the victories of their mercenaries. Unaware, of course, that these armies of the damned will turn on them once they have emerged victorious.

Sometimes they do a bit more than cheer...in Germany, where the seeds of anti-semitism run too deep to ever to be fully eradicated, the police respond forcefully to the sight of the Star of David. From Gateway Pundit:

During an anti-Israeli demonstration organized by the radical Islamic group, Milli Görüs, which attracted 10,000 protesters last Saturday in Duisburg, two police officers stormed the apartment of a 25-year-old student and his 26-year-old girlfriend and seized Israeli flags hanging on the balcony and inside a window.

...When asked if the Duisburg police plan to confiscate Israeli flags from supporters who demonstrate against an anti-Israeli protest slated for this coming Saturday, Ramon van der Maat, a Duisburg police spokesman, told The Jerusalem Post that, "we have to see what is expected" at the protest, adding, "It depends on the situation and one cannot, across the board" say that Israeli flags will be permitted.

Amazing. One would think that the Germans might be a bit more sensitive here, given their propensity for slaughtering Jews whenever the mood strikes. But in the name of the Second Holocaust (blessed be Allah), much latitude is given.

Is there any doubt that somewhere - in whatever rung of hell he might exist - this man is still dancing a jig, much as he did in the heady days of 1941?

As the years have passed, we have been handed a revised history book, one which seems to tell us there were many "good Germans" who opposed Hitler and his aims, and secretly tried to help the Jews.

So where are they now, when the spirit of the Reich rises in their streets once again?

Sorry. The good German is a myth. Just like the French Resistance. Merely yarns that the guilty spin after the fact, to make themselves feel less awful in being a willing participant to a genocide...

5 ความคิดเห็น:

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

The good German is as common or uncommon as there are good Israelis. They are both guilty of supporting their governments genocide of innocent civilians. Israels indiscriminatory bombing of civilian targets and bombing of UN installations can not be justified with selfdefense (killing over 1100 people with over half being women and children). This act of war crimes is commited by the state of Israel and Israeli soldiers, and is supported by the majority of the Israeli population! Is anybody wondering why people around the world are outraged and burn israeli flags? This is not anti-semitism. This is disagreeing with war crimes and injustice.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

1100 is only a few in the mind of criminals.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

"1100" is the figure of total Palestinian casualities as supplied by the Palestinians, which have a habit of grossly overstating civilian casualties to generate international sympathy (and dupes like "anonymous" know how to jump when summoned by Hamas... )

No one - except your anonymous self - is saying that 1100 civilians died. Not even the Palis...
If there even should be that many casualties in Gaza, 90% of them will be paid-in-full Hamas militiamen anyway.

Go sell your bullsh*t to the BBC, or to al-Jazeera. They're the only ones dumb enough -and hateful enough - to buy your line of garbage.

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Hitler danced his jig, in glee, in May 1940 when learning of the defected French request for an armistice.

I cannot concur with your contention that the "good German" is a myth. Schindler, Deitrich Boenhoffer (who had the guts to publicly condemn Hitlerism, and didn't live long) are a couple of poster boy examples, and there were numerous other unsung Germans who refused to go along. I can certainly understand why one might conclude as you do, however. I would certainly agree that they were and are too few and far between, however.

As for your broader point, I am an evangelical Christian, and I agree totally, as do many of my fellow Christians, with your portrait of Israel, and Israeli Jews being unfairly, and almost universally castigated for no good reasons, with horribly skewed double standards. A lot of that based on totally exaggerated and fabricated nonsense. The so called "massacre at Jenin" just one of many twisted or made up examples.

Sadly, you are complete correct about the sad deterioration of attitudes and rank antisemitism pervading Europe. As the metaphor was used before, the lights are again goin going out all over Europe.

I will never understand radical Islamic fanaticism/terrorism. But, I am sickened by so many, including power players like John Kerry, Biden, Obama, etc. all pressuring Israel to suicidal moves such as giving back the West Bank. Numerous Americans and Europeans, fearful of Islamic terrorism, increasingly and wrongly whine and blame Israel as the so called obstructionist problem. The widespread flawed notion is that "if only Israel would cooperate" and give back the West Bank, the Golan, etc. the radical Muslims would be satisfied, nothing more to complain about, and terrorism would die down. Therefore, there is completely unfounded and foolish, growing animosity toward Israel, and Jews in general, as the convenient, lazy item to blame for the continuing Islamic terrorism.

Hey, John Kerry, and all the antisemitic Europeans, remember the most recent potential nuclear war outbreak scare from 2002, with the long dispute over Kashmir province leading Pakistan to openly threaten India with nuclear weaons? Care to explain what the Pakistan Islamics threatening India with nuclear war has to do with Israel and the West Bank? Or for that matter countless other examples of Islamic countries fighting and at odds with other non Muslims, completely unrelated with anything Israeli/Jewish?

We stand with Israel despite the deluge of unfair double standards and growing animosity and fabrication fed hate so prevalent.


ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Sorry, twas late at night and a few typos! WhitemoonG