Can Sarah Palin achieve that lofty status? She invokes the most famous sports guarantee of all time, made by the bushy-haired, sideburn-sportin', pantyhose-wearing quarterback of the upstart New Jork Jets back in '69:
“This morning we were in Ohio, we were in the home of Joe the Plumber,” Palin said to a crowd of supporters packed onto the football field of Beaver Area High School near Pittsburgh, Pa., this evening. “And now, we are here in Beaver County, Pa., home of Joe the Quarterback.”....
“Now, Joe Namath is probably a little bit before your time,” Palin said to the high school students in the crowd. “But do you remember, though, in the biggest game of his life, all the experts had Joe Namath and the Jets written off to defeat? They were up against the elite team that had all the money, and they were held in awe by the media. And Broadway Joe replied, 'we’re gonna win the game, I guarantee it.' And they won.
“And I hope Joe won’t mind if I paraphrase him some in this state, his home state, Pennsylvania, with your help, we’re going to win this state. I guarantee it,” Palin said to wild applause.
Broadway Joe was a 16 point dog going in, about where the media likes to peg McCain/Palin (despite numerous polls to the contrary). Should John and Sarah pull this off, she will go down in the history books as having fulfilled the most audacious guarantee in political history...

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