วันจันทร์, ตุลาคม 02, 2549

Ramadan Attack on America - All Systems Go?

We spoke here and here on the rumors of a nuclear attack on the United States within the timeframe of Ramadan (September 24th thru October 23rd this year). Haven't posted on the threat in almost two weeks; despite monitoring the story, there seemed to be little new or breaking information.

Until today, via
Gateway Pundit - we have a claim by the man (Hamid Mir) who reported the upcoming Ramadan attack that the recently released video showing the 9/11 hijackers whooping it up with Osama bin Ladin is the go signal for the Ramadan attack on America:

Hamid Mir said that the
Atta video was the signal to operatives to go ahead with the planned terror strike!
Al Qaeda completed its "cycle of warnings" and today's Atta video is the signal for terrorists to strike!

Fox News concurs:

Bin Laden said a few years ago that he was saving Atta's last testament to release for a special occasion...

This is what Mr. Mir said on the subject in an interview approximately two weeks ago:

...he was told that the terrorists working to carry out this attack are not using Muslim names, they are hiding behind Western sounding names and related documents, such as passports.
...Say's that Osama has completed the "cycle of warnings." Under Islamic law, the defender is given three warnings before being attacked. Says that Osama is trying to legitimize his actions with Islamic scholars who criticized him for 9/11.
"very dangerous materials" have been smuggled over the border. Doesn't specify what.

Hot Air has a six minute video clip of Mir's interview; The Jawa Report provides some a summary of salient points - a few as follows:

Osama is alive, and won't do video because the CIA can target him anywhere in the world based on the video.
Reiteration of the call for all Muslims to leave America. Why? Because American Muslims are a "shield." However, if they stay, the attack will go on anyway.
Hamir doesn't claim Adnan Al-Shukri Jumaa smuggled nukes across the southern border, he uses the phrase "dangerous materials."
Says it's an "open secret" that AQ is in Lebanon, and is allied with both Iran and Hezbollah. Says that Osama forged an alliance with Hezbollah when he was still in the Sudan. Says that Iran is providing arms and money to both AQ and the Taliban in Afghanistan.

More info here on the alleged attack in the
Canada Free Press , dating back to 9/16 from Mr. Mir's interview with Abu Dawood, one of the commanders of the al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan. But here's even scarier stuff from an interview with Mir back in May:

It has been reported that you believe Al-Qaeda has nuclear weapons. How did you come up with this conclusion?

Mir: I came up with this conclusion after eight years of investigation and research in the remote mountain areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan . I traveled to Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Uzbekistan, and Russia and met dozens of people. I interviewed not only Al-Qaeda operatives but met scientists and top U.S. officials also. At least two Al-Qaeda operatives claimed that the organization smuggled suitcase nukes inside America. But I have no details on who did it. But I do have details about who smuggled uranium inside America and how.

Curious about what a suitcase nule might look like, and how we might identify a possible terrorist with genocidal aims? Well, far be it for our mass media (or even our government, which fears a panic more than a holocaust, apparently) to keep us informed about anything important, so
try this:

The bombs look like a suitcase and they can also fit inside one. They only weigh 60-100 lbs and if you see a man carrying one it will look like he is carrying a suitcase. I believe it was mentioned than in terms of nuclear energy, the bombs were 1 kiloton. They were initially designed to destroy a large enemy military base but if they are detonated in an urban center it could kill 50,000-100,000 people.

Will that wake America up to the fact we are at war with a implacable foe who will not relent until we submit to Islamic Sharia law? Or will the remnents of the media wake up the next day and somehow find a way to fault Bush for the Islamofacist's bloodlust?
