วันจันทร์, ตุลาคม 16, 2549

France: A Jump in Jew-Bashing

Most unsurprising lead of the day, huh? Yup, things never change in Old Europe...via the Brussels Journal, we get this story from the UPI:

Anti-Semitic incidents have proliferated in France in recent times, but the news seldom makes it across the Atlantic and when it does, it must still fight to be heard above the constant melodrama of constant trivia. A Jewish sports club in Toulouse attacked with Molotov cocktails; in Bondy, 15 men beat up members of a Jewish soccer team with metal bars and sticks; the bus that takes Jewish children to school in Aubervilliers attacked thrice in the past 14 months, synagogues in Strasbourg and Marseilles and a Jewish school in Creteil firebombed in recent weeks; in Toulouse, a gunman opened fire -- all ignored in the mainstream media in the U.S.

The metropolitan Paris police tabulated 10 to 12 anti-Jewish incidents per day in the past 30 days throughout the country.

...In France, Jean-Marie Le Pen's far right National Front appears to have opted for a can't-lick-'em-join-'em strategy, a rapprochement with France's large immigrant Muslim community -- with undertones of anti-Semitism.

Nevertheless, the
UPI knows who isn't to blame:

Muslim minorities are spawning rightwing extremism...

Oh, those poor "minorities"! Above article makes it seem like their mere existence is conjuring up these new far-right parties...as opposed to, possibly, the 7th Century mindset of some of these exploited, misunderstood ethnic groups...

Moderate Muslim voices cannot rise above radical hubbub.

Well, they might, if they actually existed...

And finally, an accidental blast of truth:

One prominent Belgian businessman conceded privately "no one knows what to believe anymore." Neither multiculturalism nor integration of Muslim communities seems to be working anywhere in Europe.

Nobody knows what to believe anymore because their leaders have been lying to them for years over the nature of the threat that faces them. Believe us, not your lying eyes has brought Europe to the brink of civil war as 1030's-era political movements/ideologies begin to fill the political spectrum on both the left and the right. And in the meantime, France's Jews are targeted, again....

And if the fact that the holy grail of multiculturalism isn't working anymore (as if it ever did), and that Muslim communities refuse to intergrate (and appear determined to force their way of life upon the Continent), isn't a wake up call to the people of Europe, then they are doomed to disappear as a civilization. They must confront the issue of radical Islam inside their borders without turning on themselves in an orgy of hate and violence, as they have done do often in the past. Wishful thinking, I kmow...

It is possible, even likely, that visitors to the great cities of Europe in ten years will see little difference between Paris, London, Brussels, and Madrid - they will all be Islamic cities, as opposed to European, ruled under the new Caliphate. And under their burkahs and beards, the Europeans will wonder, as they did in the 30's and 40's, "just how did we get here?"...
