วันศุกร์, ตุลาคม 27, 2549

BBC's Liberal Fantasy Land!

Biased BBC is one of the best "media bias" sights in the 'sphere, and even a quick read-thru goes a long way towards understanding the answer to that age-old question, "Why do they hate us?". Today we learn a little about a BBC-produced drama called "Spooks", which portrays the daring of Britain's own MI5. Only there something a bit interesting about their storylines:

I wouldn't know where to start in tackling the political correctness of BBC drama, but I think the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves would go to Spooks, BBC1's flagship series about impossibly right-on MI5 agents. The series was originally praised (by the BBC) for its accuracy about the real work of the Security Service. So what did it kick off with on the first episode? A pro-life extremist bomber out to cause mayhem. Come on, you must know about them! No? Well, what about episode two, which tackled the equally pressing issue of racist extremists in league with Right-wing politicians plotting mass murder of immigrants?

I lost interest in Spooks, but tuned in again a few weeks ago for the start of the fifth series. It was about homegrown al-Qa'eda terrorists taking over the Saudi embassy and murdering innocent people. Except that they weren't British Muslims at all, but undercover Israeli agents. Once again, the villains are a million miles away from the ones you might expect, and top-heavy with the forces of reaction.

Simply amazing - positing that Jews are actually the ones carrying out terror attacks, whilst in Muslim disguise. Maybe we can do a fictional WWII story where the Nazis were actually all Jewish, and herded Muslims, disguised as Jews, into the gas chambers. Yea!

Is this just a liberal escape fantasy, trying to come up with any desperate ploy to convince themselves that their theorems must be right, the Islamists must be victims, because they were exploited by colonial occupiers a few hundred years ago? Or is this Britain's contemporary version of the Occupied France of 1940, where citizens dutifully rounded up Jews for delivery to the Germans before the Nazis had even asked for them?

Does the BBC do the same today, throwing the Jews overboard to their Muslim oppressors ("We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there is no blood better than the blood of the Jews") in order to eagerly lick the hand of their new masters?

Neither scenario is pretty, and neither speak well for the BBC. But don't you just think that this anti-Israeli, anti-American programming that is put over the air all over Europe may have just as much to do with shaping the feelings of their citizens as, say, their understanding of U.S domestic and foreign policy? And isn't it more than likely that even in the policy arena, the BBC's framing of the dialogue is intended to turn Europeans against American policy, as opposed to understanding it?

The liberal fantasy is a nightmare for the free world...and just wait and see what happens here if the Europhile Democrats take ahold of Congress next week...
