วันอังคาร, ตุลาคม 03, 2549

Ramadan Riots Rock Paris, Again...

Because it is a religion of peace, any evidence to the contrary must be ignored...that's why when the nightly Ramadam riots commence in France, no one reports on it:

Seven French police officers were hurt during clashes with scores of youths that broke out after a car chase in Les Mureaux, in the western Paris outskirts, justice officials said Monday.

There were around 250 people — very angry and very hostile," police officials said. The prosecutor's office said the number was around 130.

Some of the police were hurt when a stone hurled into their car detonated a tear-gas grenade. One of the police cars was gutted by fire. There were no arrests.

No mention of the race or nationality, which in this case almost definitely means Muslim youths... sad to make an assumption like that, but it is one the media has brought upon itself (and upon the Muslim community, ironically).

Update: Sweetness and Light has more, illustrating the above points:

The attacks underscored continuing concern over violence in Paris's depressed suburbs, where riots broke out nearly a year ago.
In a letter sent to French interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy last June, a senior government official warned of a sharp spike in crime and the active incitement of Islamic radicals in the northern suburbs.

Ah, to spend Ramadan in Paris, among the "Islamic Radicals"...
