วันจันทร์, ตุลาคม 09, 2549

What to Expect November 8th...

...if the Democrats take power of one or more chambers of Congress:

If Democrats win one or both houses of Congress in November's elections, as polls suggest is increasingly likely, President Bush's Washington will change dramatically.
Democrats will press to get out of Iraq. They'll mount investigations into the Bush administration's record that could rival those of Presidents Nixon in Watergate and Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky affair.
They'll push a boatload of social-welfare legislation, such as raising the minimum wage, that reflects their pent-up priorities, while blocking the Republican agenda on social issues such as gay marriage, abortion and religion.
Those are some of the top plans that Democrats would pursue if they won power, according to interviews with Democratic lawmakers, strategists, staff aides and lobbyists.

All of which have tremendous support among the American people. Jeez, gay marriage couldn't even pass in Oregon, for God's sake!

The tone and temper of the Democrats were reflected well by Rep. Henry Waxman of Los Angeles, the ranking Democrat on the House Government Reform Committee, in a conference call in late August. He'll become the panel's chairman if Democrats take the House.
"The Republican-controlled Congress has worked with the White House to shield them and the government from any scrutiny of corruption and abuse," Waxman said. Democrats "plan to expose the truth about billions of taxpayers' dollars."

Yeah, OK, he's sane. Day Two: All prisioners at Gitmo get assigned to neighborhood work-release programs! Well, our neighborhood, not his....

But here's the bottom of the barrel:

Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., for example, could take over as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. In June 2005, Conyers held an unofficial Democrats-only hearing on Iraq prewar intelligence that many saw as a potential building block for impeaching Bush.
Now Conyers is backing off such talk, while Republicans warn that he would pursue it if he gets power.

Conyers is a racist, anti-semetic terror-loving spitbag. Here's his first attempt at impeachment; the hearings described lovingly here were his second. He's a living horror show, and a proud Democratic Chairman-in-waiting.

Their staffs for several key panels are considering how they would investigate the Bush administration's preparation for and execution of the Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina, regulatory decisions involving contraception and science versus religion, and administration ties to energy and drug companies, government contractors and individual lobbyists.
Winning even one chamber of Congress would give Democrats a bully pulpit and enable them to hold hearings, issue subpoenas, put witnesses under oath and block Republican legislation.

Sounds lovely - re-instate the welfare state while supporting terrorists at home and abroad; spend spare time impeaching Bush and raising taxes, while the myth of global warming drives environmental, energy, and possibly foreign policy....

But if you feel sad and somewhat desperate (as do I, occasionally, these days) in these dark times, remember one thing: The media is on their side; and with 30 days to go, methinks they'll find a way to screw this one up for the Democrats(paging Dan Rather!) as artfully as they have done in the past...

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Right On! The NJ Senate campaign is just getting nasty. This is an amazing story about how the Democrat is out to smear Tom Kean Jr. Look at this: N.J. Senate Race: Anatomy Of A Smear Campaign:


Inside a Political Hit Job -
In New Jersey's U.S. Senate campaign, WCBS-TV goes behind the scenes and shows how Tom Kean Jr. (R) was set up by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) before, during and after their recent debate.