วันพฤหัสบดี, ตุลาคม 26, 2549

If one man's terrorists is another man's "freedom fighter"....

....then this thought, taken to its logical conclusion, brings us here:

More than a dozen Jewish student leaders met with Chancellor Michael Drake and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Manuel Gomez on Wednesday, October 18 to discuss the
recent anti-Semitic vandalism here amidst a broader discussion about how Jewish students feel they are treated.

Many Jewish students at the meeting blamed the Muslim Student Union for creating an environment in which hate speech can prosper, which they felt had a direct connection to the vandalism. Some of the Jewish students at the meeting revealed that they and others had been subject to verbal and physical intimidation at the hands of MSU members, and that they had previously reported these claims to campus security.

Chancellor Drake told Jewish students at the meeting that he cannot restrict any club, that it would be “violation of law to prohibit certain speech.” Gomez emphasized that though hate speech may be present, he would not seek to curtail it, as “one person’s hate speech is another person’s education.”

Yup, you read that right - and from a University Chancellor, yet.

If a terrorist is a freedom fighter, then swastikas scrawled amongst the Jews is simply "education". I f A=B, then "B" must return to "A". And Lord, it has. How long until Jewish neighborhoods are defaced in this manner, for the sake of their own education?

See where liberal logic takes us? Right back to
Kristallnacht, 1939....

Update: And the rewriting of history continues apace, from no less a luminary than Christopher Hedges, the New York Times's former Middle East bureau chief. He educates us as well:

...the real lesson of the Holocaust, which, as Christopher Browning illustrated in his book 'Ordinary Men,' is that the line between the victim and the victimizer is razor-thin. Most of us, as Browning correctly argues, can be seduced and manipulated into killing our neighbors.

Poor Nazi victims...if only the Jews weren't there to goad them into a Holocaust.
