วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 01, 2549

Why Did They Hate...Bill Clinton?

A new release from the video archives of al-Qaeda tells an interesting story between the lines:

FILM of the ringleader of the September 11 hijackers reading his “martyrdom” will inside Afghanistan at Osama Bin Laden’s headquarters has emerged five years after the Al-Qaeda outrage...

Dates on the tape show Atta was filmed on January 18, 2000, together with Ziad Jarrah, the pilot of United Airlines flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers apparently stormed the flight deck....

January 18th, 2000 -
this was:

-before Bush was even nominated to run for president
-before the attack in Afghanistan
-before the invasion of Iraq.

Mr Clinton was the president. Why did they hate America after it helped save the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo?

Don't ask the Democrats; for them, their was no Islamic terror in the world until March of 2003...
