วันเสาร์, ตุลาคม 07, 2549

We Dance the Dance of Dhimmitude...

Apparently, it is an Islamic world, and we are simply allowed (for the time being, anyway) to live in it:

In Minnesota, Muslim cab drivers are refusing service to passengers carrying alcohol—and the airport commission is allowing it to happen, instituting special rules to accommodate the intolerant drivers.
Now Britain has its own taxi scandal, as a Muslim driver refused to carry a blind passenger—and the cab company told the blind woman she should “respect other people’s culture:”

Mrs Vernon, 39, from Hammersmith, said: “This experience was very upsetting. I was tired and cold and just wanted to get home but this driver made me feel like I was a second-class citizen, like I didn’t count at all.”
Mrs Vernon, who works as a legal officer for the Royal National Institute for the Blind, added: “The owner of the minicab firm, Niven Sinclair, was also very insensitive, telling me that what had happened to me wasn’t really very important, and I should have more respect for other people’s culture.

Yup, they're reading right out of the liberal's playbook! But don't you dare question their patriotism!
Sweetness and Light reports:

Victorian Taxi Association spokesman Neil Sach said ...."Muslims are good people and the community has to realise that the days of the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant are well and truly over" ....

Well, at least Sach recognizes reality; more than can be said for the appeasing left....

More respect from Islam - via

MUSLIM yobs who wrecked a house to stop four brave soldiers moving in after returning from Afghanistan sparked outrage last night.
The house in a village near riot-torn Windsor had BRICKS thrown through windows and was DAUBED with messages of hate.
Four young Household Cavalry officers who had planned to rent it were also the target of phone THREATS.
They were yesterday forced to look elsewhere to live — after top brass warned them against inflaming racial violence near the Queen’s Windsor Castle home.

And more on the Windsor riots from the
Brussels Journal:

Extra police are being drafted into the Windsor area today after three nights of violent clashes between white and Asian {ASIAN?? -ed.} youths.
Gangs have fought battles in the streets using baseball bats and pitchforks. A Muslim-run dairy which wants to build a mosque was petrol bombed.

Tensions have been growing between residents and the owners of the dairy, who have applied to convert an office building into a mosque for their workers.
Despite a lack of planning permission to use Technor House as a place of worship, workers and visitors have been praying there.

And how do the British police respond to this law breaking?

Police stopped cars full of white youths and searched them as other officers photographed and videoed them.

Good dhimmis! Here's more from
Muslim-occupied Britian:

Scotland Yard said yesterday that Pc Omar-Basha, a member of the Metropolitan Police armed Diplomatic Protection Group (DPG), had been allowed to absent himself from armed patrols outside the Israeli embassy after expressing concerns about the effect it might have on the safety of his relatives in Lebanon during Israel's military campaign in August.
The decision provoked a debate about political correctness in the police force and drew accusations that Muslim officers were being treated differently to others.
The officer's father-in-law, Abdul Majid el-Katme, is a doctor and Muslim activist...

So if a second Kristallnacht should break out in England, Muslim officers now have permission to sit back and watch the rioting and murder of Jews....incidentally, this is the end result of liberal politcal correctness made into the force of law - new understandings are NOT forged; old hates are simply reinforced. Nice. Let's bring it to America!

Well, some are trying to
speak the truth in France:

Radical Muslims in France's housing estates are waging an undeclared "intifada" against the police, with violent clashes injuring an average of 14 officers each day.

As the interior ministry said that nearly 2,500 officers had been wounded this year, a police union declared that its members were "in a state of civil war" with Muslims in the most depressed "banlieue" estates which are heavily populated by unemployed youths of north African origin.
It said the situation was so grave that it had asked the government to provide police with armoured cars to protect officers in the estates, which are becoming no-go zones...

But a good dhimmi knows that this type of assertion cannot go unchecked, so...they lie to protect their new masters:

Senior officers insisted that the problem was essentially criminal in nature, with crime bosses on the estates fighting back against tough tactics.

No surprise; any admission that race may be a factor would undermine the cult of multiculturalism, so the evidence is ignored in favor of absurd statements as the one seen above. See today's New York Times for a brilliant example; a West Bank resident writes an op-ed blaming Israel for all of the Palestinian's problems; of course, the words "terror" or "Hamas" never cross the page. A balancing, countering view might help make some sense of it all, and would be well-placed on this page, but a good dhimmi knows they cannot allow the Jew make his voice heard, so we only get one side - the Muslim side. Thus does the Times willingly allow istelf to provide cover to what many claim are the true motives of the Islamists:

...This hadith, or fundamental concept, states: "I have been ordered by Allah to fight and kill all mankind until they say, 'No God except Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah' (Hadith Sahih)."
Based on this hadith, early Muslims used the sword to spread Islam throughout the world. The same hadith inspires contemporary Islamic terror including this summer's thwarted London airplane explosions. Other rationales that terrorists use to justify terrorism - the Arab-Israeli conflict, America's involvement in Iraq - are simply useful propaganda cover stories, not the actual causes or goals of terrorists' actions.

The media has been in full dhimmi mode since 9/11; their only allegiance is to preserving their own sorry lives for five minutes longer, so if that means avoiding the lash of their masters by selling us all down the river, so be it. As long as no one riots outside of the Washington Post....

Are we doomed to dhimmi-dance right off of a cliff, with all of our values, morals, and freedoms going screaming down with us? Seems like the media, elected officials, and Islamist mobs are all playing together in the band...

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What can I say, it's a mixed up world!
Where Terrorists are called victims.

The more I learn about Muslium Culture the more I'm sure Muslium Culture is at fault.
It has to be stopped!